Celebrate Glastonbury 2020 at Home


With only a few days until we should have been packing up a car full of breakfast bars and decanted Pimms, we’re gutted not to be celebrating Glastonbury’s 50th Birthday on Worthy Farm itself. However, here we are and while we fully understand the global situation and support the precautions in place, we can’t help feeling a massive sense of FOMO for a fantastic weekend that could have been!

SO - not to let a pandemic ruin our fun, we have pulled together a guide to spend Glastonbury’s 50th year in the comfort of your own home, with plenty of tips and ideas for a memorable weekend in the garden… *keeping fingers crossed for good weather*

Eat Outside


Set yourself a little goal that you only plan on eating from your very own outside table set up - this doesn’t have to be plastic plates and drinking luke warm G&T’s for the weekend - you can still enjoy some luxury from the comfort of your garden!

Set up a Tipi


When would be a better time than to pull out your camping gear, decorate the garden in any bunting and fairy lights you own and sleep under the stars in homage to your ‘would have been’ weekend. Serendipity Events has a gorgeous glamping package complete with tipi, decor and balloon/flower installation of your choice so you can celebrate in boho luxe style while rocking out to last year’s Glasto replay.

Cook up a Feast of Festival Street Food

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We’re thinking Halloumi, boa buns, chilli fries, mac n cheese, chocolate crepes and the famous fully loaded hot dog to boot.

Do some Yoga in Your Very Own Healing Field

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Set up your mat, get some incense burning and centre yourself with one of the many yoga routines available online.

Immerse yourself in the full virtual line up online

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The Eavis Family have really gone all out to make sure we can all experience the magic of Glastonbury at home, so make sure you take a look at the virtual line up and schedule your weekend around some of the incredible live stream and playback sets that are on offer over the weekend.

Light a log fire


Sit around a fire and recreate the opening night with some fireworks and your very own miniature Stone Circle.

Donate. Donate. Donate.


We’ve all saved hundreds of pounds this year by no longer paying for our Glastonbury tickets until next year, so why not give a little back and donate some of the money you would have spend to Water Aid, Oxfam or Greenpeace, Glastonbury’s three chosen charities which will have lost out on a significant amount of donations this year. If you’d like something to show your support, there are a number of charity products on their shop.

Set up Shangri-La in your Living Room


Get your hands on some disco balls and fairy lights and turn your living room into the world famous Shangri-La. Sets will be being streamed live all night on Saturday night so it’s the perfect time to loose yourself and pull an all nighter.


Join the community by posting your memories and how your spending the weekend using the hashtag #GlastoAtHome.

Sophie O'Connor