Perfect Proposal Ideas this Summer


With life making it’s way back to normal but holidays and large gestures still uncertain territory, lockdown lovebirds ready to take the next step might be wondering what they can do to still plan the perfect proposal this summer!

Here are a few ideas and things to think about…..

The Ring!


With stores back open, you can finally pick up the all-important ring for your special someone! Planning a truly unique custom design or something spectacularly store bought, now is your chance to arrange the perfect gem to symbolise your love!

Custom Design Tips

  • Make sure you leave plenty of time if you’re planning something custom, it takes on average 3-6 weeks to make an individual design and that’s once you know what you’d like to go with!

  • Make sure you use a reputable jeweller who will teach you how to assess the quality of any jewels and finished.

  • Do your research on the 4 C’s of choosing a diamond, Cut, Colour, Clarity and Carat so you know exactly what you’re getting for your price range.

Say ‘I do’ in style at home!


Without being able to travel to the ideal proposal backdrop why not create your Instagram worthy setting with a custom backdrop designed just for you both, in the comfort of your own home, garden or special local location! 

At Serendipity Events we provide all kinds of custom installations to suite any special occasion and what could be more special than letting your soul mate know you want to spend your life with them!  From 1000 red roses and hundreds of tiny candles lighting up the night with a chef-prepared meal for two in your front room to bespoke balloon and floral arches with custom signage - we’re your girls to make sure your special surprise is a truly magical moment you will never forget!

Pick a special spot!


With lockdown easing and more beauty spots open for you to visit, why not pick a special walk or location that means the world to you both! *Just be aware some places are extremely busy at the moment so it’s up to you if you want your proposal to intimate or have a chance of spectators.

Hire somewhere spectacular!


Why not combine the two and hire a special location to pop the question? That way you will have the privacy to plan and decorate in whatever style you choose but also the change of scene and somewhere to remember! At Serendipity Event we can recommend a range of outdoor spaces with lakes, folly’s, castles,gorgeous views and much more to help bring your vision to life!

Tip: Set up a secret camera! If it’s your location for the day or night you can set up a secret camera to capture that special moment for you to re-live for years to come!

Whatever your idea for the perfect proposal - we’re here for you’re every requirement!
Remember, it’s much easier for us to keep it a secret than for you to, while surprising your soon to be fiancé and arranging all the details!

Anna Stevenson